Copper & Kings GEOGR&PHY Bi-Continental Brandy

Copper & Kings Geogr&phy Bi-Continental Brandy

Louisville-based Copper & Kings American Brandy Co. has announced its latest release: GEOGR&PHY Bi-Continental Brandy.

This is a blend of pure copper pot-distilled brandies from the U.S. and South Africa, aged for an additional two years in Kentucky Bourbon barrels.

“The USA and South Africa share a common brandy thread as former Dutch colonies, and the origin of the word brandy is Dutch – ‘brandewijn’ or ‘burned wine’ in English,” explains Copper & Kings founder Joe Heron. “The first documented spirits distillation in America in 1640 was that of brandy by William Hendricks on Staten Island within the New Netherlands colony. The first distillation of South African brandy was in 1672, by the assistant cook on board the Dutch ship, De Pijl, lying at anchor in Table Bay off Cape Town. So New World brandy is pretty old school. As a South African American, there’s also a very nice personal synchronicity.”


This is the first in the new GEOGR&PHY concept line of brandies, which will explore pot-distilled brandy blends combining American brandy with those from other countries.

Bi-Continental Brandy blends “elegant South African brandy with rich, fruit forward, feisty rambunctious American Brandy,” the company says. The blend is 51% American, 49% South African.

“At 108 proof it has velvety power, but lovely drinkability, and this contrasts with a typical South African pot still brandy bottle proof of 38% ABV/ 76 proof,” says Copper & Kings master distiller Brandon O’Daniel. “The Bourbon barrels add warm honey and caramel and don’t overpower the grape varietal nuance. And we don’t compromise the mouthfeel, or flavor intensity, with chill-filtration, or adulterate post-distillation with boisé or caramel color.”

Copper & Kings GEOGR&PHY Bi-Continental Brandy retails for a suggested price of $50 per 750-ml. bottle. It is available at the distillery, and through a limited number of select retailers across the Copper & Kings distribution footprint.